Healing Power of Stones

Healing Power of Stones

Lava stone

Stabilize the emotions while undergoing changes

Lava stone is recommended to be worn in close contact with the skin, if not directly on the skin. This is because the barrier for absorption is not blocked by anything. Lava stone bracelets give easy access for the energy to flow clearly.

Lava stone is an incredibly powerful stone for anyone born under a fire sign in their astrology, or for anyone who needs more fire in their lives.

Stabilizes the emotions

Since lava stone is known for its grounding qualities, it is wonderful for calming the emotions. In its solid state lava is a stone of courage and gives people stability as they go through changes in their lives. Lava stone also helps to diminish the negative aspects of one’s character and allows us to see where modifications might be needed.

Helps with Anger Management

Lava stone can be beneficial for fire signs who feel they are "too fiery", by bringing a natural balance with the blending of earth's grounded energies into the often "too quick to act" nature of fire sign people.




Blue Jasper

The stone of regulation

Health provider

It could be used for digestive, hepatic, stomach and renal problems as well as for intestinal inflammation, hemorrhage, joints pain and muscle contractures. It could tone the blood and be a good repairer of the internal organs.

It is a good aphrodisiac and an emotional enhancer

The Blue Jasper could be used as an aphrodisiac. It provokes a loving feeling, helping to activate sexual activity and cure impotence and frigidity. It stabilizes the woman during pregnancy and helps with the development of the baby. It is a boost, energy and strength provider necessary to go ahead and fight more easily in our everyday life.

It is useful for removing toxins and for regulation

It serves as a good drain for removing toxins from the body, especially those that cause body odors and flatulence. The Blue Jasper could help stabilize the iodine and sodium present in the body and relieves water retention. It reduces seasickness and problems of the inner ear. It also limits the problems of the thyroid. The Blue Jasper could be effective against eczema and skin problems in general.




Turquoise Jasper

Mother and Child Health

Good for maternity and childbirth

The Turquoise Jasper is used very often to avoid complications during childbirth. Turquoise Jasper is supposed to protect the fetus during pregnancy.

Helpful to the brain

It revitalizes the grey matter and delays the disappearance of neurons and thus the aging of the brain. Turquoise Jasper helps to lose weight and to be in shape. It favors memory, especially intuitive memory.

Essential for the skin

It helps to reduce body odors and would be very effective against skin problems, especially ones of viral origin. It also symbolizes flexibility and discretion.

A good healer

It also fights against water retention and relieves hernia problems and is often used for stomach aches. It is used for problems of thyroid, cystitis, hyperglycemia, kidney and bladder disorders. The Turquoise Jasper would also act in cases of diarrhea, irritated colon, colic, and epilepsy. It strengthens liver function and the gastrointestinal system.



Grey Jasper

Concentration and Focus

Keeps people united

Traditionally it is used to bring serenity and unity. They say this type of Jasper is a supreme protector. It reminds us to help each other. Placed under the pillow, it helps us remember our dreams. It helps to make quick decisions and allows us to put thoughts into action. Indispensable on a desk, it can help one to focus.

Good remedy

Formerly, Grey Jasper had the reputation of preserving ghosts and fever. It was, as it is said, a remedy against the poisonous spectra and beasts on which it was applied diluted in water. It preserves sadness and contagious diseases. Grey Jasper helps ease muscle cramps, especially in the legs. It fights insomnia and relieves back problems. It would cure the throat and any problems related to it.



Tiger Eye

Emboldens one to “step out of the box"

Tiger Eye is recommended to be worn in close contact with the skin, if not directly on the skin. This is because the barrier for absorption is not blocked by anything. Tiger Eye is a stone of luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money to the home.

Wear or carry Tiger Eye for increasing insight and perception in unfamiliar places or circumstances, and for protection from the negative intentions of others.

Luck & Good Fortune

Tiger Eye is an incredibly powerful stone of luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money to the home. It is ideal for entrepreneurs and those setting out in business for the first time; also for those building up skills and a knowledge base for major career changes in the future.

Enhance Creativity

Tiger Eye sharpens the senses, helping one pay attention to details and prepare for positive action. Tiger Eye warns against complacency and emboldens one to “step out of the box” in order to grow and challenge one’s artistic and creative talents, physical abilities and trying something new. Use as a support stone for determination and to overcome fear during exams, competitions, public performances, selling one’s creations in the market place, or presenting ideas in important meetings.

Practicality and Balance

It is remarkable for soothing tensions in families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord. It promotes harmony between people with diverse viewpoints, religious beliefs or approaches to life to see both sides of an issue and find common ground.

Healing Power on physical Problems;

Tiger Eye is a blood fortifier, increasing vitality and strength, and restoring balance to the body on all levels. It is thought to boost the endocrine system, bringing one’s hormones and biochemistry back to level. If placed on the reproductive organs it may stimulate fertility and resolve issues arising from past experiences. Tiger Eye placed on either side of the head energetically re-balances the brain’s hemispheres, and as this stone holds the energy of the sun, may relieve seasonal affective disorder and depression. It is effective for alleviating nightmares and is reputed to relieve asthma attacks and angina and help lower blood pressure.


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